I usually keep a pen and some form of paper by my side of the bed just in case I want to remember something during the evening. Late at night If I don’t write down whatever I am thinking about I will most definitely forget it by morning. Last night around 2 am I woke up after I had been thinking while sleeping. I had thought of something that I wanted to blog about. I remember thinking at the time “this will be good and something that probably hasn’t’t been discussed much.” So I looked for my pen and couldn’t’t find it. I finally decided I would grab my phone and use the WordPress app I have on it to start a draft of the post with the title to remind me of what I wanted to write about. I remember that the app wouldn’t allow me to save a post with just a title so I added a little content also. I just opened the app up so I could start to remember what I wanted to write about and image to the right is what I saw in the draft post.
I have no idea what “dislodg[ing] during a sermon” is nor do I even think that “dissolving during sermon” would necessarily be a good thing (I guess that depends upon how bad the sermon is). All I know is that I thought it was something really good last night. Apparently my standards of good are much lower when I am asleep. I tend to think of sometime of thunderdome experience when I read “dislodge during a sermon.” While that might be very entertaining I can’t really see that it would be helpful to the kingdom of God. I wonder if Tapestry can fit a full size thunderdome into the Washington Elementary School gym?
I’m fairly sure that whatever I was thinking about had something to do with the conversation that Pam and I had before bed which dealt with a portion of Miroslav Volf’ book Exclusion & Embrace