best lines from PMCP8301 – day 1

a list of statements that stood out today in the church planting leadership d.min seminar i am presently in. these are not necessarily states that i agreed or disagreed with. they are just statements that stood out as if audiologically highlighted when they were said:

  • guys it’s not let’s throw mud on the bride time
  • i’m not bipolar or anything like that
  • all sbc churches are non-denominational at their core – local church autonomy should mean non-denominationalism.
  • we need to learn how to think in ways that help people to do the kingdom things that they do best
  • you want to have the right people on the bus and have them in the right seats
  • you’re a “pastor of the next thing”
  • can you figure me out?
  • nobody knows what “missional” means
  • sarcasm is a spiritual gift and paul had it … read your bible
  • they made fun of him in the rabbit movie
  • there are really just two types of people in the world … cat lovers and dog lovers
  • you get what you reward – this should affect how we measure progress
  • military authority training – don’t stand in front of the guys who have the guns

church planting leadership pmcp8301

based on the google analytic reports i receive on the blog it appears that my past posts on the course requirements for the previous d.min courses i’ve taken at nobts have been accessed by people via searches and therefore i am assuming useful. if nothing else it lets pam know what i am doing (and therefore she is able to hold me accountable) and gives my mom new things to google.

therefore, i am posting what i am doing over the next two weeks in prep for my march 18-20th "church planting leadership" seminar.

  • read "now, discover your strengths" and take the strengthsfinder personality profile – done
  • read "mindset: the new psychology of success" & post an annotated analysis- half way through
  • read "spin off churches," review it and post to facebook – started
  • read "organic disiplemaking," review it and post to facebook
  • read "leadership as a lifestyle," review it and post to facebook
  • base on the reading write up three ways to develop leaders and then post that to facebook
  • do statistical research and discover two groups in my geographical area that would possibly respond positively to a new church plant. explain what you would do in trying to connect with them.

i’m not sure if dr. allen is reading my blog or facebook notes (if you’re reading this – hi dr. allen) so i probably shouldn’t make the following comment but i will anyway – i’m not sure how i feel about posting the stuff on facebook. it could be an amazing way to share these thoughts with both my fellow students and others or not so much. i haven’t done it before so we”l just have to see. i do know one absolutely amazing thing about posting them to facebook – NO TURABIAN. i don’t know why all the seminaries use turabian when other academic institutions seem to be fleeing her. oh how i hate kate!

strengths finder profile

my spring 2009 d.min seminar is coming up (march 18-20). this trimester i am taking “church planting leadership” which kind of seems to fit with what i’m going through. 😉 as a part of the course i need to submit my strengthsfinder profile for dr. allen to see and thankfully during pam and my teamamerica church planting assessment we had to go through the clifton strengthsfinder profile. nice to have something finished already. 🙂

anyhow, i thought my mom (if no one else) would like to see this so i’m posting my profile for everyone to see and then linking it to dr. allen for him to get it.

here’s my profile.


i today tried to complete some of the pre-reading for my next d.min seminar at nobts. if you watch a couple of seconds of the above video you will instantly know why i wasn’t very successful. emy j’s is normally a great place to study. there’s a constant flow of traffic but the volume level  is very acceptable. today for some reason there was a group there that needed to shout in order to speak. i use the word speak instead of communicate because i pretty sure that none of them were actually listening but all over them we definitely talking. i was sitting at the same table as andy lickel (the iv campus minister) who was trying to study also. we both gave up pretty quickly.

SIDE NOTE – this is for my baton rouge friends – saturday night pam and i ate supper with a couple of other ninth grade parents while adam and their kids ate dinner before their formal dance. one of the dads could be dino rizzo’s separated at birth twin brother. here’s a photo.

the last jeremiah paper


my parents, the only people i am sure actually care about posts being place on this blog, will be thrilled to know that today i mailed in the last paper due from my jeremiah seminar. the reason they will be thrilled is because i will now have enough time to post some new things to the blog (mom – you may now cheer).

SIDE NOTE – if you are interested in the paper you can read it here. it’s not one of my better ones so i wouldn’t really put it on a list of recommended reading.

SIDE SIDE NOTE – anyone interested in going to the q ideas conference with me? if you are a church planter or student i know how you can get a $200 discount. even with the discount it still isn’t cheap, but it is a little better.

SIDE SIDE SIDE NOTE – i spoke at uwsp’s intervarsity chapter last night. i was talking about how scripture records that JESUS is “the way, the truth, and the life” BUT it doesn’t not say that our boxed up versions of HIM are “the way, the truth, and the life.” i thought i had a great idea to display video on each side of the stage showing how to make origami boxes and encouraging the students to make such boxes with paper i provided. the idea was to point out at the end how distracting making the box was from what they had really come there to experience. it would have worked a lot better for one side of the room if i had looked at the settings for the projector on that side of the room. we use that projector for reverse projection at tapestry. unfortunately, this was not reverse projection and thus everything was projected on the wall backwards. this made the instructions, and probably the illustration, useless.


jeremiah papers

for those of you who are wondering, which basically means pam and my parents, the seminar on jeremiah that i have attended this week has been wonderful. i think i have actually gone from thinking that jeremiah was a cry baby to liking jeremiah. it ends today and i’ll be glad to be back home but also a little sorry the classes are over. of course, the joy continues because i have a 20 page exegetical study of a passage from jeremiah due in two weeks,

speaking of papers i thought i would post the two i have written thus far for the course. i’m not posting these because of them being any good, they haven’t been graded yet so they could turn out to be complete crap. instead i’m posting them so someone else will at least have an example to bounce ideas of form off of. when i began prepping for the seminar i tried finding some samples of what others had done for similar seminars so that i would have some idea if i was on target or not. i couldn’t find any. therefore i thought i would post mine so during the next semester when someone googles nobts biblical, exegetical d.min seminar they would at least have an example of what has been done.

here they are

how i feel about my d.min papers at the moment

douglas adams

i love deadlines. i like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.
douglas adams

so much reading and prep … so little motivation.

right now the prep work includes:

now i’m getting back to work and not procrastinating. i will not procrastinate.

i’ve always been a rat but never a lab rat until now

pam has suckered me into being recorded as a test subject for the com. d. department at uwsp. they need subjects with different accents and a southern accent is a rare commodity up here in the land of cheese. therefore, i will go into her department next week so that they can record my voice so their students can then deconstruct the whole thing. as always, i endeavor to persevere in my attempts to help educate the future leaderships of our world. 😉

SIDE NOTE – i’m presently reading jack kerouac’s book “on the road.” i’m only about half way through the book so things may change but at this point i don’t understand why it is considered such a great book. it’s okay. i’m interested in it enough to finish reading it but it doesn’t stand out as a great work of literature. maybe it’s just me.

my d.min experience

the beginning of my d.min experience at new orleans seminary was ok. the reason i say ok is because my first workshop was basically just an orientation to the school and what is expected from my research. obviously that not very exciting. of course, it wasn’t meant to be exiting.

the good part is that i got to see a little of what i’ll be a part of. the way the program works is that i’ll have to 9 semester hours of workshops (these are related to prepping my research – 9 semester hours equals 3 workshops), 9 hours of divisional seminars (these are courses within 5 different general divisions – again 9 semesters hours equals 3 courses), 9 hours of specialization seminars (these are courses within my specialization – by now you should know what this equals). these course will probably take me about 2 1/2 years to finish. then i’ll do my project. judging from what the professors and other d.min students told me my project will probably take between 1 to 2 years.

to be honest in the past i’ve been a little down on the d.min degree. yet with that said i am pretty excited about working on the project. i think there are some pretty cool things i can explore concerning using some of the collaborative software on the web. tapestry has used some for a few things (mainly google docs but we’ve also used mind meister) and it has been pretty useful. i don’t know how i would turn that into a hundred page research paper but i’ll figure that out later. of course, i’ll probably change my ideas ten times by the time i finish my seminars.

i also met a few fellow students that i really enjoyed connecting with and a couple of whom are possibility interested in doing something with tapestry.

SIDE NOTE – i took the eee pc 901 with me to nola and i love it. it took me a day to get used to very tiny keyboard of the 901 but after that day everything was fine. it is perfect. it’s just the right size for carrying around (about the size of a hardback book) and has just the right amount of power to handle surfing, word processing, and other basic tasks that i need from a laptop. in fact, at the moment i am in the air between nola and chicago typing this on the 901 while watching a movie at the same time. it’s all good.

SIDE SIDE NOTE – the fletcher family and clint barron were nice enough to come down to new orleans for supper while i was there. it was great seeing them and the food was excellent.

back to our default

i sent in my tuition for nobts today thus making me official as a student again. woohoo, here come student discounts!

anyway, this means life is back like it should be. of the nearly 18 years that pam and i have been married 12 of those years have involved at least one of us being a student of higher education. the only years where one of us wasn’t a student was our time in carthage, missouri and even then pam ended up working as an part time instructor at missouri southern state college (now missouri southern state university). someone being in college is our default operation.

this is actually one of the reasons that i encourage college students who have been dating a long time and are convinced they will eventually get married to go ahead and take the plunge. i’ve done university life both as a single guy and a married guy. college life is a ton better when you have to pull an all nighter and there’s someone there to catch the load you have to drop.

my run for the day
distance – 5.0 miles
time – 52:42
pace – 10:32/mile