mohler on public schools

here’s what southern seminary president albert mohler says in his commentary article “needed: an exit strategy” concerning how souther baptists should respond to public schools:

I believe that now is the time for responsible Southern Baptists to develop an exit strategy from the public schools. This strategy would affirm the basic and ultimate responsibility of Christian parents to take charge of the education of their own children. The strategy would also affirm the responsibility of churches to equip parents, support families, and offer alternatives. At the same time, this strategy must acknowledge that Southern Baptist churches, families, and parents do not yet see the same realities, the same threats, and the same challenges in every context. Sadly, this is almost certainly just a matter of time.

i have a friend who is a fan of mohler so rob please forgive my comments on your future seminary president. anyhow, mohler’s statements are stupid. come on. do we really need to pull even more into our little “CHRISTian” ghetto? more and more we pull into ourselves in an attempt to “protect” ourselves from the “evil” influences of the world and thus more and more we have absolutely no effect on bringing new believers into the kingdom of GOD.

wouldn’t it be a great thing if the southern baptist convention resolved to become increasingly involved within the public school system to help correct it’s problems? i guess that probably won’t be considered very strongly.

when you die

i once heard someone tell a story of hearing a preacher tell a bunch of college kids the following:

when you were born you cried and everyone else was smiling. the question you have to ask yourselves is if you have lived such a life that when you die you will be the one smiling and everyone else will be crying

friday, i went to the funeral of my uncle david (actually my great uncle david). it was obvious to me at least that he had lived such a life – a life of meaning and purpose. the room was full of people who were truly thankful for the part that david played in their lives and were going to miss him. it wasn’t a small funeral. the room was packed. it wasn’t packed because uncle david was a celebrity or a person of importance or note. it was full because david had consistently lived out a life that was faithful.

i’m sure david was smiling friday and i know that there were many people in that church auditorium that were crying.