i want this ringtone

last night during our interim pastor’s speech during our church’s choir musical someone’s phone rang. that’s not too big of a surprise because random ringtones are a common occurrence within modern gatherings. this ringtone was great because it was the cricket sound you always hear on t.v. when something boring is happening. it went off twice during his talk. i nearly busted out loud laughing.

10 miler

today i ran my first >5k race. i ran in the golden fliers 10 miler this morning. it was a double lap race around the lsu lakes. i’ve done this distance and longer before but i’ve never done it in a race. everything changes in a road race. i don’t like being passed by people. this wouldn’t be a problem if a was fast but since i’m not i just try to judge how fast various people will run and then start off with the ones that i think will run at my pace. this usually means the eighty year old runners. of course, it never works out that i actually judge correctly. i always seem to pick the fast 80 year old to hang around and therefore my pace ends up too fast. that’s why races are hard – trying to push myself but not burning out. this means choosing the correct pace. i was worried that i would start out to fast and burn out half way through the race. i finished the race in 1:34:29 (a pace of 9:26/mile). i was pretty pleased because of two things:

  • a had energy left over at the end of the race – which means that i could have continued the pace or a slightly faster one throughout a half-marathon of 13.1 miles.
  • i passed an 80 year old lady in the last 100 yards of the race. i laughed at her while i was passing her and it made her break down and cry. i don’t even think she finished the race. she just walked away in defeat before the finish line. it felt good. 😉

now i have to continue training for the first light half marathon january 14th. as things are going presently i think i may even try a full marathon.

my run for the day
distance – 10 miles
total time – 1:34:29
pace – 9:26/mile

random quote – crucifixion

a crucified messiah, son of GOD or GOD must have seemed a contradiction in terms to anyone, jew, greek, roman, or barbarian, asked to believe such a claim, and it will certainly have been thought offensive and foolish.

–martin hengel, crucifixion, p. 10.

i particularly like it when hengel demonstrates that “madness” or “amentia” may be a better modern translation of “?????” (folly) than the kjv translation “folly.”

[Listening to: ‘Til I Met You – The Swift – The Swift (3:52)]

should i shout this?

i watched the pixar movie “cars today and as usual i thought pixar did a great job with it. it was a good kids’ movie, the animation was amazing as usual, and had a very good point to it’s overall theme.

on a side note tonight i began to wonder why it is that most of the people who speak the loudest when it public actually have the least to say. i was at blockbuster tonight returning the videos that we had gotten from blockbuster online. as a part of blockbuster online i receive a free in store movie for each mailed movie i return. while i was in the store i heard the movie ramblings of a couple across the store. it was easy to hear them because they were shouting to each other. they needed to speak so loudly because they were standing three feet away from each other. it can be really hard to hear each other when you are 36 inches from each other. the only redeeming pat of their shouting was that they were idiots. thuse their conversation was very entertaining. one of them kept shouting about how he had heard really good things about this movie “clark.” the female then said she hadn’t heard of the film, grabbed it from him, and declared that it was “clerks 2” not “clark.”

indian wrestling

okay guys and girls next month (january) we are going to be discussing “wrestling with faith” at the view (wednesday @ 6:15 p.m.). in an attempt to do something a little different and have a slight discussion starter i have decided to do our own version of the reality t.v. show “the contender“. of course, we’re not actually going to box. instead we are going to do indian leg wrestling. i am going to do backgorund stories and everything on each of the people who are involved. i need eight people to be involved. last night i had four people volunteer. i now need 4 other people. if you are interested send me a note or something.

btw, here’s what leg wrestling looks liike.

p.s. austins you are more than welcome to participate in the leg wrestling. all you have to do is send in a video and i’ll work it in.

my run for the day
distance – 3.6 miles
total time – 34:10
pace – 9:29/mile

[Listening to: Wrestling Angels – Grover Levy – Wrestling Angels (3:05)]

trying to catch up

i’m not blogging as much as i used to and i’m trying to correct it. some of it is that running and photography have been taking up a decent amount of time and therefore i just haven’t had as much wasted time (along with the fact that our church is down by 2 permenant staff members and 2 assistant members thus making the work load more) but allot of it is that i really haven’t had as much to blog about. i haven’t seen anything that i absolutely had to blog about. there have been things that i had thoughts about but not enough to actually write about. for example:

  • i saw a guy who was driving a truck and changing his pullover shirt all while holding a cigarette in his mouth – just picture this for a second and you will understand my amazement – i kept on expecting him to burst into flmes.
  • i continue to hate burger king which has still not responded to my letter.
  • i joined the blockbuster online program last week and i’m pretty psyched about it – we recieved our first movies today. i figure this will help me to reach one of my goals of seeing all the films on the afi’s 100 greatest films list.
  • i’m really proud of pam is going to be dr. pam pretty soon. she’s working her butt off and is about to finish her ph.d.
  • i love youth ministry but i hate the fact that allot of people automatically assume that the youth ministry knows all about recreation. it drives me crazy.
  • thanks to several of y’all responding to my request for help i’ve had several opportunities recently to take people’s portraits and it’s been allot of fun. thanks for helping.
  • i still haven’t finished the da vinci code movie because i was so bored by it that i quit a little over half way through it. i’m not sure i will finish it.
  • i finished lullaby by chuck plalhniuk the other day and it was a very interesting book.

i guess that’s it for now

my run for the day
distance – 8.1 miles
total time – 1:19:13
pace – 9:44/mile

the good and the bad

tonight i’ve watched two movies (actually i’m watching one right now). the family and i watched “elf” and ate homemade pizza as part of the beginning of advent. this is such a great movie. it gets better and better with age.

i’m presently 45 minutes into “the da vinci code” and i’m bored to tears. i can’t believe such an awful movie could stir up such controversy. it’s junk.