february newsletter article

len evans mentioned in a recent post about writing an article for his ministry newsletter. when i read it i decided that i would start posting the monthly articles that i write for our youth ministry newsletter. it’s not that i think they are that greay (i don’t). rather each monthly i desperately search for an idea on which to write about. i figure if nothing else some other desperate youth minister might find my articles and at least their themes will inspire him or her to write a truly great article. that way i get partial credit or something like that. 🙂 anyhow, here’s february’s:

january 24th, 1984 steve jobs of apple introduce the macintosh computer to the world at a large convention. steve jobs walked up to the microphone said “all of the images that you are about to see come from what’s in that bag,” then he walked over to a duffle bag and pulled out a then comparatively tiny macintosh computer and turned it on. when the images started pouring out of the computer the crowd went nuts. No one had ever seen images of this quality or speed come from a computer that anyone could use and afford. that speech and those images changed the computer world. all of the personal computers we use now (including the one i am typing on right now) owe their existence to that moment. it was a simple display of technology but it was a revolutionary moment. you can actually view the video from this moment on my blog (www.parkviewyouth.org/blog/).

According to scripture the moment that JESUS comes into your life is supposed to be “a revolutionary moment.” when JESUS comes into your life HE wants to change everything. He wants to change how you feel about yourself, what you do, how you do it, and what you think about the world and people around you. this doesn’t mean that it was a dramatic moment. they moment you ask JESUS to be your LORD may seem siple or not be very dramatic, but the changes that can come about because of that moment are what makes the moment revolutionary. everything that happens afterwards is supposed to be directed by the fact that CHRIST has come into your life because you are a new creation.

the issue is whether we are letting that moment change us or not. you’re the one who gets to decided that. GOD allows you the free will to live in the light of the moment JESUS came into your life or to ignore it. Yyu get to choose day by day, moment by moment.

so what’s your choice?

that same old feeling

i hate it when the feelings of inadequacy start pouring in. those feelings that i should be doing more, that the little bit that i am doing should be better, and that everyone else around me is doing things that are “head and shoulders” above my ability. i hate this.

i know in my head that i shouldn’t compare myself with anyone else. i know that i am loved, valued, and all that other crap. yet i look around, compare myself to what it appears others are doing, and feel like a joke that that the rest of the universe is getting a good laugh from. honestly it’s hard not to feel like a failure when you look around and are convinced that everyone else in the world is doing a better job of parenting, being a husband, making pine wood derby cars, blogging, speaking, being a friend, yard work, organizing their thoughts, music selection, ministry, etc. you name it and right now everyone else is doing a better job at it than i am. i hate these feelings.

multimedia presentation software rant

i love mediashout.

    it’s the program that everyone in the youth ministry prefer to use for every presentation other than messages (it’s just not quite as good as powerpoint or maybe keynote for messages yet). mediashout is really the way to go for lyrics, announcements, and video presentations during worship services.

i hate mediashout.

    i prepaid for the 3.0 upgrade with the assurance from the sales rep that it would be out in a month. that was back at the beginning of november at the national youth workers’ convention. for some reason i still don’t have my upgrade.

where is my mediashout 3.0? all i know is that it’s not here in baton rouge.

SIDE NOTE – i’m really interested in trying out keynote. this is mainly because i still do my message presentations in powerpoint and i really don’t like micro$oft. i have an inherent dislike for “the big guy” built into my personality. if keynote is at least decent i’ll try it just to avoid using another microsoft product.

a speeding ice cream sandwich

i’m resting my arms right now from working on noah’s pinewood derby. last year adam won district with his hot-dog mobile. apparently he wanted to go out on top because he decided that he didn’t want to build a car this year. noah on the other hand decided to steal adam’s foot motif from the year before and wants to build a blazing ice cream sandwich.

you would think that it would be easy to build an ice cream sandiwch. it’s flat. the piece of pine that you start our with is flat. this should be pretty easy right? nope, it’s not. the reason it’s not is because i broke the blade that i was working with. i needed to cut away approximately a third of the thickness of the soon to be ice cream sandwich. that wouldn’t be that difficult if my band saw had a blade. actually it did have a blade for a few really good seconds. unfortunately those mere seconds weren’t long enough to actually cut the piece of pine into it’s ice cream sandwich shape. on the good side the blade had a good long life.

not to be daunted i decided to use my belt sander to remove the extra 1/3 that i was going to be cut with the now none existent band saw. this seemed like a good idea. after all, the purpose of a sander is to remove small amounts of wood. i figured i would continue to push the pine against the belt letting the belt remove small pieces of pine until the full third was removed. it seemed like a perfect plan and it would have been if the sanding belt was new. it wasn’t and therefore it didn’t remove much if any wood. strike two!

third time’s the charm right? well apparently it is with pinewood derby ice cream sandwiches. it was on my third effort that i went to my trusty dremel tool. if you’re not familiar with a dremel tool just imagine a tool that can do anything and still fit in the palm of your hand. it’s kind of the swiss army knife of the handy man world. if you can’t fix something with a dremel then it can’t be fixed. the dremel never fails and it didn’t fail this time either. the dremel fixed what the band saw and belt sander couldn’t do. praise be to the dremel.

after a frustrating evening the basic design of the ice cream sandwich car is now laid out. tomorrow we paint!

happy birthday mac

kottke reminded me and a large part of the world that today was the birthday of the apple macintosh. today the computer with a logo meant to entice and tempt you (think of the garden of eden and the forbidden fruit that was bitten) turns 21. here’s part of the original two hour video of steve jobs introducing the mac for the very first time in 1984 (the segment is only about 3 minutes long). while it doesn’t look like much today the things that the mac was able to do on this video were consider revolutionary at the time. CLICK HERE FOR THE VIDEO.

and to think that a british psychologist called january 24th the most depressing day of the year. how could the birthday of the mac be considered depressing? it’s simply too jolly of a moment to be depressing.

if the above link doesn’t work go to mac essentials and use one of the other mirror sites instead.

The Scandal of the Evangelical Conscience

To give credit where credit is due I need to say that I would not have read this article if it had not been for Jordan Cooper. with that said Ron Sider kicks rear (usually my rear but still he kicks rear). His article in the January/February 2005 issue of Books & Culture and is called “The Scandal of the Evangelical Conscience” is amazing.

The article details the fact that evangelicalism started as a response to a large segment of CHRISTianity that had begun to reject the miraculous nature of the gospel. In response to that anti-miraclous belief evangelicals stated that not only were the miracles of scripture true but the transformation of a believer’s life was miraculous in its nature. Yet today there seems to be little difference between evangelical believers and the world and this calls into question whether there is a miraculous transformation or not to quote Sider:

    To say there is a crisis of disobedience in the evangelical world today is to dangerously understate the problem. Born-again Christians divorce at about the same rate as everyone else. Self-centered materialism is seducing evangelicals and rapidly destroying our earlier, slightly more generous giving. Only 6 percent of born-again Christians tithe. Born-again Christians justify and engage in sexual promiscuity (both premarital sex and adultery) at astonishing rates. Racism and perhaps physical abuse of wives seems to be worse in evangelical circles than elsewhere. This is scandalous behavior for people who claim to be born-again by the Holy Spirit and to enjoy the very presence of the Risen Lord in their lives.


    Evangelicals rightly rejected theological liberalism because it denied the miraculous. In response, we insisted that miracle was central to biblical faith at numerous points including the supernatural moral transformation of broken sinners. Now our very lifestyle as evangelicals is a ringing practical denial of the miraculous in our lives. Satan must laugh in sneerful derision. God’s people can only weep.

With our actions we have betrayed our LORD and HIS kingdom. We are traitors because we do not live as loyal citizens of this miraculous kingdom. We must repent! As ministers we have to model lifestyles of living in the kingdom. This begins with us repenting. we need true fall on your face and wail repentance. Truthfully i need true fall on your face, weep til the point of sobbing repentance.

I will begin. I have betrayed CHRIST. I have chosen to consume for no other reason than I can and I trust in my ability to consume rather than in the power of my LORD. I have trusted in the power of influence rather than believing that my LORD takes care of those who will make themselves weak. I have perverted the pure sexual lives that he has called us to. I have done this by viewing creature made in HIS image as though they were objects. I have risked nothing when HE has called me to risk it all and depend upon HIM. I am a hypocrite.

I don’t want to hypocrite, a liar, a traitor. Please forgive me LORD.

i hate it when that happenns

sunday school cc's #1

i love my sunday school class. i know that sunday school is supposed to be outdated and useless. according to some it’s supposed to be a waste of time. yet i love my class. i also know that some would say that i, as the youth minister, should not lead a sunday school class because by leading that group i might end up leaving my other teens out. i know all of that stuff, yet i absolutely love my class. i’ve loved it for the past two to three years. it just seems to get better and better each year.

that’s why today was disappointing. i was really excited about what we were going to talk about. the problem is that we didn’t get to talk about it. you see every so often we take a group trip to cc’s coffee house and today just so happened to be the day for the cc’s run. usually when we make the cc’s run we still have plenty of time to discuss whatever it is we are discussing. yet two we faced two challenges 1)cc’s was slower than normal and 2)it was dang cold outside for south louisiana. we usually go outside so we can really get into our conversation but there just wasn’t room inside for us to sit and going outside wasn’t an option for most of the teens in the group. the long and short of it was that we only had ten minutes left to talk before we needed to leave. this wasn’t much time.

so we headed back to church. i was really looking forward to the dialogue. now i have to wait a week to get into it.

goodbyyyyyyeeeee johnny!

at the age of 79 johnny carson has died of emphysema. for my younger readers i would explain who johnny carson was, but i know that i don’t have any younger readers because the only people who actually read this blog are my parents and pam, my wife (all the comments made by other people are just me faking it).

carson was the greatest, the king of late night. he didn’t originate the late night experience but he perfected it. i remember watching from my childhood till i was a young married guy (1992). as a kid i remember hoping that he would do “carnack” or that jim fowler would be on the show with some of his animals. i loved it when carson had animals on the show. as an adult i remember watching his last show and seeing bette midler sing “wind benigth my wings” to carson. ah, good times.

carson should have been succeded on the tonight show by david letterman but no nbc thought it could do better with jay leno. how stupid can you get. who would actually think that leno was funnier than letterman? funnier looking maybe, but that’s about it. even carson recognized that letterman was better than leno because after carson retired he still wrote jokes every now and then for letterman’s monologue. nbc’s stupidity in bringing in leno to succeed carson still floors me.

anyways a popular culture icon passed away today and that makes me sad. you can read more about carson here.