manual import

well i still haven’t figured out how to import my previous 397 posts into the new database for the new blog but i have at least figured out how to access the old database and manually transfer each separate post from the previous blog. this means that if i transfer 4 old posts a day then in 100 days i would have transfered all my previous posts. of course, that leaves out all the old comments and insightful statements that some of you made. there has to be an easier way to do this.

upgraded bblog

yes i know everything looks different. there is a reason for it looking different. the reason for it looking different is that i have upgraded to a newer version of bblog and as of right now i can’t figure out how to import my old entries. for those of you are mysql literate here’s the issue (for everyone else just skip to the next paragraph) – from what i was able to figure out i had to start a new mysql database in order to use the new bblog code. the old code used an 11 table database and the new code uses a 10 code dbase. so i still have the old database with the old entries in it but i don’t know how to import them into the new table. if any of you know enough code to figure out a way for me to import my old entries i would greatly appreciate it.

to everyone else, i decided to change to newer blog code because my old software doesn’t allow me to control my comments (it won’t send me an email when i receive a comment or hold a comment until i say its okay). based on a few experiences i figured it was best to move to some new code that has some improvements. the sum of this is that the blog will look different from awhile and hopefully become better (the style of it not the content – there’s no hope for the content).

anyway here are some of the advantages of the new bblog code:

  • email notification of new comments
  • rss 2.0 and atom site feeds
  • the ability to disable new comments on a post after certain amount of elapsed time (i.e 1 week, 2 weeks, 2 months, etc).
  • the ability to edit the time stamp on a post.
  • the ability to actually edit comments rather than just deleting them, as was done in the previous version.
  • the ability to place html within a comment.

there are other benefits to the new code but these were the main incentives for me. re-explained

i know that i have talked about this before but it seems that a bunch of you don’t understand how amazing is. so if you still haven’t figured out what is so cool about and are wondering \”what’s the big deal\” about it you might want to look at the following links. they describe what the big deal is about \”tagging\”:

if you ever do any research at all (i.e. school, business, etc.) you need to be using

SIDE NOTE – i just accidentlally kicked the computer and bent the toenail on my pink toe backwards. it is amazing how much pain such a little thing can produce.

ONE campaign update

saturday some cool stuff happened relating to making poverty history. here’s how the latest email from the ONE campaign puts it.

together as ONE, we have helped do something incredible!

this past saturday, the u.s. joined together with other wealthy nations to free millions of people in some of the poorest countries from crushing debts. the finance ministers from the ‘group of eight’ or ‘g8′ nations agreed to write off billions of dollars of debt, and in return for cancellation, the qualifying countries will invest these savings in their own people — to help with more schools, health clinics and wells.

debt cancellation will quite literally save millions of lives — but this deal was struck by only eight men huddling around a table. eight men and the millions of us watching them, asking them to do the right thing. you called for this, with ONE voice, and they got it done.

the finance ministers’ meeting was just a warm-up act, a down payment on an overall historic breakthrough. let’s keep up the positive pressure for the main event, when president bush, prime minister blair and the other g8 leaders meet on july 6.

so here’s what you can do to help – go here and write president bush an email with your ONE voice and let him know how important getting rid of extreme world poverty is to you. re-explained

i know that i have talked about this before but it seems that a bunch of you don’t understand how amazing is. so if you still haven’t figured out what is so cool about and are wondering “what’s the big deal” about it you might want to look at the following links. they describe what the big deal is about “tagging“:

if you ever do any research at all (i.e. school, business, etc.) you need to be using

SIDE NOTE – i just accidentlally kicked the computer and bent the toenail on my pink toe backwards. it is amazing how much pain such a little thing can produce.

bbc news | technology | micro$oft censors chinese blogs

bbc news | technology | micro$oft censors chinese blogs
i have mixed feelings on the story behind this article. basically the article says that in order to do business with china micro$oft has given in and agreed to block blogs that have “banned expression” within them. micro$oft says this is not a statement of the company’s politics, rather they follow the laws of whatever company they operate in and this censorship it is just the price of doing business in china. so micro$oft has banned blog entries that use words like “freedom,” “democracy,” and “human rights.” yahoo has done the same thing.

my mixed feelings come from the fact that i do want companies to operate within the law. yet, my heart cries out that microsoft (and yahoo) should say that if this is the cost of doing business in china then they won’t do business in china. the money simply can’t be worth the cost.

one of the reader comments on the article says:

As all companies, Microsoft is at making money and in the modern world, ethics is not good for business, which is sad but you can see it almost anywhere if you have a look at the world.

i simply can’t agree. companies are not amoral entities. they are composed of people, people who have ethical standards, and thus those companies have to operate within the ethical standards of those who compose their numbers. even in their pursuit of “the almighty dollar” our businesses still have to operate within the ethics of their people. otherwise we are all doomed.

ONE campaign update

saturday some cool stuff happened relating to making poverty history. here’s how the latest email from the ONE campaign puts it.

    together as ONE, we have helped do something incredible!

    this past saturday, the u.s. joined together with other wealthy nations to free millions of people in some of the poorest countries from crushing debts. the finance ministers from the ‘group of eight’ or ‘g8′ nations agreed to write off billions of dollars of debt, and in return for cancellation, the qualifying countries will invest these savings in their own people — to help with more schools, health clinics and wells.

    debt cancellation will quite literally save millions of lives — but this deal was struck by only eight men huddling around a table. eight men and the millions of us watching them, asking them to do the right thing. you called for this, with ONE voice, and they got it done.

    the finance ministers’ meeting was just a warm-up act, a down payment on an overall historic breakthrough. let’s keep up the positive pressure for the main event, when president bush, prime minister blair and the other g8 leaders meet on july 6.

so here’s what you can do to help – go here and write president bush an email with your ONE voice and let him know how important getting rid of extreme world poverty is to you.


adam is away at boy scout camp so it is pam, noah, and i around the house right now. last night we went to haley’s birthday party and there noah found the big rope swing in the back of the fletcher’s house. once he found the swing we didn’t see him again for quite awhile. he was too busy swinging (and judging from his shirt he was also busy falling off the swing).

when i was in middle and high school my mom and dad would take my brother and i to columbia, alabama where we would ski on the chattahoochee river. one of the best parts about going to the chattahoochee is that across the river from our “camp” (you louisiana people would call it the camp – we called it our trailer) was a huge rope swing. the end of the rope was at least 10 feet off the water when it was hanging still and straight down. to swing on it you climbed another 15 feet up an incline and swung from the side of the tree that supported the rope. when you let go of the rope at it’s highest point you were a good 20 feet off the water. you could do a flip off of it with ease. of course, you could also do a monstrous belly flop off of it. i’ve done both (unfortunately more belly flops than flips). in some ways i really miss that rope swing and in other ways i don’t miss it at all

SIDE NOTE – how many new, useless, and stupid reality tv shows can be released in a single year? just let me say one thing “i want to be a hilton.” stupidity has reached new heights. of course, “the princes of malibu” may top it.

preaching at church

our pastor was sick yesterday and i was one of the individuals called to fill in for the morning message. after preaching i made a new discovery concerning preaching to groups that are primarily adult. in the past i said that i didn’t like preaching to mainly adult church services, rather i would like to stick with youth and those who love youth. yesterday i realized that this isn’t quite true. there is one thing that i do like about preaching to primarily adult groups – the positive feedback at the end of the message.

yesterday i preached at two of our worship services and then spent 15 to 20 minutes after each service listening to members of the congregation tell me how they liked the sermon. truthfully, it was a nice bit of ego stroking and i have to admit that it was enjoyable. i love teens but i can go months without hearing a positive or negative word from a teen concerning any messages i’ve done. of course, i dod “cheat” and read the blogs of so of my kids looking for what they say about each week’s message. still, yesterday i received more compliments from the too church services that i preached than i have received from our youth worship service in a year’s worth of services (maybe two year’s worth).

now don’t get me wrong – i still prefer delivering messages to people involved in youth ministry and specifically my teens. teenagers let you know if you are connecting or not. if my youth get bored they go to sleep, start talking to the person beside them, or begin passing notes. i can tell if i’m connecting with my kids or not. most of our church adults on the other hand, simply stare straight ahead – i can’t read them at all. with nice, passive, polite, “let’s pretend that we’re listening when i’m really not” adults i can’t figure out if things are tracking or if i’m losing everyone. i really don’t like that feeling.

so basically me desired plan is to speak to our adults once every six months or so and get the ego stroking that i need every now and then. the rest of the time i’ll spend on my kids – the ones that i really like doing messages for.

yet another quiz

everyone else seems to be doing this quiz now and thus i will be a good little mindless sheep and follow the crowd. so here are my results:

You scored as Neo orthodox. You are neo-orthodox. You reject the human-centredness and scepticism of liberal theology, but neither do you go to the other extreme and make the Bible the central issue for faith. You believe that Christ is God’s most important revelation to humanity, and the Trinity is hugely important in your theology. The Bible is also important because it points us to the revelation of Christ. You are influenced by Karl Barth and P T Forsyth.



Neo orthodox


Evangelical Holiness/Wesleyan


Reformed Evangelical




Classical Liberal


Modern Liberal


Roman Catholic




What's your theological worldview?
created with

the cool thing is that i’m not emergent (i’m neo-orthodox) and yet i am emergent. 😉

i feel so much better about myself having settle once and for all what i am. at least i think i feel better.