the week in tweets – 2010-04-11

  • RT @PastorMark: Jesus got out of the grave. You can get out of the house & join us for service. // or we can get out of the church building #
  • i'm looking forward to hearing stories of rez from the people of @sptapestry over the next weeks. the rez changes everything including us. #
  • @joshcausey & @meganckelly – tried to leave a comment on the blog but it didn't work. love seeing johnny b preach in moncolva. makes me πŸ™‚ #
  • wow – what a game #
  • @treyturner2001 and i are in portage for some church planting thing – is it sad that i can't describe more? bad robert! bad church planter! #
  • created a qr code for @sptapestry. in theory your webcam should take you to the church website based on the image #
  • the things that are "needed" to plant a church were just listed in the mtg i am in & i realized @sptapestry doesn't have any πŸ™‚ fail! πŸ™‚ #
  • @dannygilliam – i like that way of thinking of it. in reply to dannygilliam #
  • if you feel the need to tell me how radical you are and how extreme your church is then you should know that i'm guessing neither is true. #
  • @natebyrd3 – yeah i was actually feeling pretty good about @sptapestry in reply to natebyrd3 #
  • @dannygilliam – i like that too. traditional churches can be very cool & i like plenty of them. there you don't have wanna be hipsters. in reply to dannygilliam #
  • @eLP88 – we have room for you up here. in reply to eLP88 #
  • the nyc marathon lottery didn't work out for me today – no spot. i'll try again next year. #
  • we haven't had snow in 6 weeks and now we do. really? snow? it's 50Β° outside? #
  • @bsheets – sure…. you just want a toy for the bathtub. πŸ™‚ in reply to bsheets #
  • whoopS my weather bug had not updated. it's 32Β° outside. snow makes a little more sense but not much. #
  • @thegsides – CHRISTian chamber of commerce? in reply to thegsides #
  • I just found free Moltmann videos on "Itunes U"! WooHoo! #
  • i'm running dual 22" monitors on my desktop now and i am seriously wondering how i ever got along without the second one. #
  • i just taught noa of the need to use plumber's/teflon tape for household plumbing projects. parenting moment accomplished for the day. #
  • @stevekmccoy – you've got me all curious now. was i the offending party? in reply to stevekmccoy #
  • the hotdog chili for tonight's meal has begun and should be ready by 7 pm. we take chili dogs pretty seriously around the terrell family. #
  • @PastorKenAndrs – yeah it sounds pretty serious πŸ˜‰ in reply to PastorKenAndrs #
  • @natebyrd3 – you do realize that you posted this directly to your twitter feed instead of dm'ing me, right? πŸ™‚ in reply to natebyrd3 #
  • for everyone who may be reading this is what @natebyrd3 was tweeting about – cheese is how the terrells say thx. #

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