Anselm on Remembering via the Imago Dei

I acknowledge, Lord, and I give thanks that you have created in me this your image, so that I can remember you, think about you and love you. But it is so worn away by sins, so smudged over by the smoke of sins, that it cannot do what it was created to do unless you renew and reform it. I do not even try, Lord, to rise up to your heights, because my intellect does not measure up to that task; but I do want to understand in some small measure your truth, which my heart believes in and loved. Nor do I seek to understand so that I can believe, but rather I believe so that I can understand. For I believe this too, that “unless I believe I shall not understand

Anselm, Proslogion, Chapter 1.

My Dead Snow Blower Has Bad Timing

5 and a half years ago I was given a free snow thrower by Ben Sheets (the local minister not the former pitcher for the Brewers). It served me well and the price was definitely right until last year. Then I had to start working on it. This year it officially died. I found this out a week.

Que Monty Python “bring out your dead” scene.

Well, I thought to myself, “Robert, just shovel through this year and buy a used snow thrower off Craigslist.” I thought it was a great idea because I hate paying for new when I can just wait for someone to move to a place where they won’t need a snow blower and get a good one for less money. Unfortunately snow blowers don’t go up on Craigslist very often during the Winter and today we received a lot of snow. Thankfully I have boys and with their help the driveway is clean … for now.

Hey Ben. You don’t have another snow blower you want to give away do you? 🙂

Anyhow if anyone hears if a good deal on one please shout at me.

SIDE NOTE – There was enough snow that I almost to ought a new one today (as much as I am loathe to buy for a device that will only be used 4 or 5 times a winter – the vast majority of times a snow blower is more trouble than a shovel). Fortunately, or unfortunately depending upon how you look at it, Pam had the minivan and the snow blower is too big to fit into either of the cars. Whew, that was close.

The Average Basset Hound Day

5 am Whine so that male companion will get up and let me outside to go pee. While I am peeing suddenly realize that there is a new smell in the yard that I have been daily sniffing for 6 years. Go to sniff new smell for 10 minutes only to realize that it actually isn’t anything new and therefore I can go back to bed. On the way back inside I discover that there actually is a new smell 5 feet away from where I had sniffed earlier. I sniff it for an additional 10 minutes before finally going inside and heading back to my den (which for some reason they call a “crate”.) Male companion does not seem to be aware of the danger I am saving him from.
8 am All companions and liter-mates have been making a lot of noise for a couple of hours before leaving the house. Male companion has now come back to the house and wants to go on a walk. Get out of den, stretch, and  go back into den because, unlike my male companion, I realize it is too cold outside to go for a walk.
8:15 am Male companion opens the closet that has the leashes which either means a walk or a treat. I choose to believe it means a treat, because surely he is smart enough to realize that it is too cold outside for a walk. I run downstairs.
8:20 am Go for a walk. WALKS ARE THE GREATEST THING ON EARTH! THEY ARE THE BEST PART OF MY DAY! We walk a little over a half a mile. I spend half the time sniffing the wonderful smells of nature. Male companion keeps on stressing the need to walk rather than sniff. I assume the poor guy’s nose is broken. I will sniff a little extra so he can enjoy the smells through me.
9:00 am Male companion leaves the house again and I begin my guarding duties.
9:05 am Sleep
2:30 pm YOUNGEST LITER-MATE IS HOME. Rarely is it the oldest liter-mate who is now often away for long stretches of time. EITHER WAY LITER-MATES COMING HOME IS THE BEST PART OF MY DAY! Liter-mate is so moved by my joy at seeing him that he gives me a treat. TREATS ARE THE BEST PART OF THE DAY. I bark to express my joy at the treat that I just received from my liter-mate. LITER-MATES ARE THE BEST! I now lay down for a quick nap.
3:30 pm THE MALE COMPANION IS BACK! IT`S THE BEST PART OF THE DAY! He walks back to the closet that contains the treats and leashes. This time I am sure it is going to be a treat.
3:32 pm Begin 2nd part of daily walk & sniff ritual. WALKING IS THE BEST PART OF THE DAY! I am pretty sure that if the male companion’s nose was working he would have given me a treat. Bitterness in a human is a terrible, treat-depriving thing. I think a little extra sniffing will help my male companion to get over his bitterness at not having a working nose and therefore I spend much longer than normal sniffing the neighborhood. SNIFFING IS THE BEST!
4:00 pm Back home from wonderful sniffing of pee-mail from fellow neighborhood dogs. Male companion opens the closet that contains my food. MEAL TIME IS THE BEST PART OF THE DAY! In order to train the poor guy that he is doing the right thing and should do this more often I give him verbal encouragement. Bark for 5 minutes. These are great, full bodied barks that cause my front feet to fly off the floor. BARKING IS THE BEST! Male companion seems properly verbally rewarded so I scarf down my food in hopes that he will have been trained by the encouragement to give me more. Appears training has still not sunk in. Unfortunately it appears my male companion is a slow learner. I will have to remember to bark longer and louder tomorrow.
4:15 pm Male companion enters his study to work. I wish to remind him that there are better things in life than work and therefore I go into the study with him and sleep on the futon as physical reminder of how good naps are.
5:15 pm Female companion arrives home. I LOVE IT WHEN THE FEMALE COMPANION COMES HOME! I greet her at the door with some joyful barking. She seems appreciative. Once male companion and liter-mates have greeter her I join the male companion in his study again. Once more I serve as a physical reminder that he could be napping.
5:45 pm Female companion is a much better napper than male companion (though he is much better at sleeping in than she is). Female companion usually goes up for a quick 15 minute nap when she gets home. She understands that NAPS ARE THE BEST! I decide to go upstairs and verbally encourage her in her napping behavior by making soothing high pitch whine-like noises while she is napping. She says something to me. Though I can only comprehend a few of their odd communications, I can tell from her tone that what she said was basically “Thanks for your encouragement.” I decide to reward myself with a quick nap.
6:00 pm Female companion (who is the better cook of the two companions) is cooking and SHE’S GRATING CHEESE! DID YOU HEAR WHAT I SAID!?!?!? CHEESE!!!!! CHEESE IS THE BEST!!!! I must forgo my nap and stand my post underneath her to prevent any of the precious product from going to waste.
6:10 pm All cheese has been rescued from being wasted. This was a hard and tiring job. I decide to reward myself for a job well done with a nap.
6:30 pm Companions and liter-mates are now eating their meal. I move my reward nap to underneath what they call a “table.” This way I can be vigilant to make sure that no scraps mess up our home’s floor. Why do all the cleaning duties fall to me? I don’t regret it. I will serve in any way that I can. From my spot underneath the table I can also see if any food has been forgotten on the counters and make sure that it is eaten. Waste not, want not.
7:15 pm I worry that my companions and liter-mates aren’t getting enough exercise. Studies show that you should move your major muscle groups every 20 minutes. EXERCISE IS THE BEST! I decide to force my fellow house dwellers to exercise for the next hour by pretending to need one of them to open the back door for me every 10 minutes so I can go outside and relieve myself.
8:15 pm I reward myself for being a giver and focusing on other people’s needs by taking a nap.
9:15 pm I realize that a nap is not a significant enough reward for the sacrifice I made earlier in going out in the backyard every ten minutes. I therefore whine until the male or female companion gives me a treat. TREATS ARE THE BEST AND REQUIRE BARKING!
9:20 pm I reward myself for having successfully trained my companions to be “givers” like myself by taking a nap.
10:30 pm Male & female companion seem to be going to their den to go to sleep. Therefore, I go out into the cold back yard to quickly relieve myself before going to my own den. This won’t take but a second.
10:31 pm Apparently earlier, while I was taking care of my companions, a rogue deer snuck into our backyard. I know this because I can smell that awful creature. These deer are dangerous enemies who cannot be taken lightly. I must sniff the entire backyard to ensure that it is safe. My work is never done.
10:45 pm I have made sure the backyard is secure but decide that the deer needs a good “barking to” as a reminder not to threaten my family.
10:50 pm Deer have been verbally scared into submission and my family is once again safe. I should go to bed now but unfortunately I have noticed a stray turkey smell that I did not pick up earlier. I now need to make another round through the yard to make sure it is still secure. Will my duties never end!
11:15 pm Yard is secure. Family is safe. I now go to my den for a well earned rest. Good night. 

Disciples Stop Loitering

I saw this tweet today and the photo made me laugh.

Last night at Tapestry we talked about the church in Philippi beginning through God using Paul and Silas to disrupt people’s lives and point to them to a better kingdom. The story of the gospel is God’s kingdom versus all the other kingdoms of the world. For all my friends who are “threads” and followers of Christ, I hope you remember that disciples aren’t allowed to loiter. Or to quote the angel’s response to the Apostles when Jesus was taken into Heaven after His resurrection:

“Men of Galilee,” they said, “why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven.”
Acts 1:11

Yes this verse talks about the return of Christ but it has implications about loitering also. You see for the past few days I have been humming to myself Bill Wither’s classic song “Ain’t No Sunshine.” Why? Well because it is my normal train of thought when Pam is gone on a trip and Pam just went on a whirlwind trip to Portland & Seattle. Don’t worry, I don’t get all depressed when Pam is gone, though after a day or two I do definitely miss her. I just really like Bill Wither’s song and I am always reminded of it when Pam is gone. Anyhow she gets back tonight and that means that the already liveable house will be super cleaned tonight before she gets home.

I don’t do this because I have too and the house doesn’t look like a bachelor pad or anything right now anyhow. It is already basically clean. It is just that when Pam walks in I always want the house to be specially clean. I want her to not only be excited about seeing me, the boys, and most importantly her cat (maybe even a little excited about seeing the dogs). I also want her be excited about the fact that the laundry is done, the kitchen has been mopped, the bathrooms are clean, and the sheets have been washed. I want her to walk in and think “Wow!” The fact that she is returning tonight makes me want to work because it is another way I can show her that I love her.

So disciples, why are you loitering? Don’t you know that he is coming back? Don’t just stand around looking up in the air. Get to work being a part of His disruptive kingdom.

Conference Suggestions

I typically go to a conference each year to steal … I mean borrow … ideas from people who are doing cool things. Because of a busy year I didn’t go to one in 2013. Before that I had attended the Q conference for 4 years and I loved it.  I do however feel it is time for something new. I typically prefer to go to conferences that are outside of the popular, mainstream ministry practices. I feel like they usually push me a little more.

Any suggestions? I’m all ears.

The Teaching of the Twelve

While you may not have heard of the didache (the Teaching of the Twelve Apostles) you should read it. You can do so here. The Didache is a pastoral document from the mid to late 1st century. It was quite possibly written as early as 40 AD. It is a great look into the early church and it doesn’t take very long to read. Maybe 20 minutes. It covers the way of life and the way of death, baptism, fasting, the Lord’s Supper, and the ethical thought of the 1st century church. The Didache is a great look into what was important to the earliest followers of Jesus. Therefore, as modern followers of Jesus we should look into what our fore-fathers and fore-mothers thought.

Billy Crystal grooves a little.
Billy Crystal grooves a little.

SIDE NOTE – watching Chuck with the oldest boy-child and the show has one of the catchiest, grooviest theme songs that has ever been on TV. It is really hard not to kick into the white man’s overbite whenever it comes on. It is a fun show also but right now I can’t get the theme song out of my head.

God is Not a Lonely God

“Because the Christian God is not a lonely God, but rather a communion of three persons, faith leads human beings into the divine communio. One cannot, however, have a self-enclosed communion with the Triune God- a “foursome,” as it were– for the Christian God is not a private deity. Communion with this God is at once also communion with those others who have entrusted themselves in faith to the same God. Hence one and the same act of faith places a person into a new relationship both with God and with all others who stand in communion with God.”

Miroslav Volf, After Our Likeness: The Church as the Image of the Trinity, p. 173.

Communication In-service Training for Clergy

This post is basically just for my clergy friends in the Point area. The UWSP Communicative Disorders department is doing a Communication In-service Training for Clergy January 16, 2014 from 9 am to noon.  The in-service should be helpful for us as ministers in guiding ourselves and the churches we lead to communicate better with people who have communication impairments and it will also help a UWSP Communicative Disorders grad student and professor do research that will further help the field. If you are interested you can get more information from Ms. Collins-Price (the grad student) or Dr. King (the prof). Their email address can be found in the brochure that I have attached below. I don’t think they will mind that I am posting this.

Communication Clergy In-Service

Hurry and sign up for this because they close the free registration on January 9th.

Why We Chant S.E.C.

Right now I am watching the BCS Championship game and hoping that Auburn continues to win. Why?? Well becuse I am loyal to the S.E.C. Yes, Auburn is Bama’s biggest rival and losing to them screwed up Bama’s chance for a third consecutive nationl championship, but I want us to smash Auburn in the face, not some school from an inept conference. Yes as an Alabama fan I despise Auburn but I don’t even consider teams from other conferences, or even worse, teams who claim independence even though they are now scheduling 4-5 games a year with the ACC, as even worthy of being despised. They’re not good enough to hate. 🙂 Here’s an example of the SEC chant from Alabama stomping on Notre Dame at the 2013 BCS Championship game.

You can find some good articles that speculate on why the chant happens. Here are a few that I have enjoyed.

Good articles with interesting points that range from keeping it in the family to Southern exceptionalism. I think the answer centers around something you learn in one’s first economics class. People usually do things because there are incentives for them to do those things. SEC fans understand that the way college football is presently set up there is an incentive for us to want to other SEC teams to win and so we pull for other SEC teams when they play against other conferences. What is the incentive? Perceived strength of schedule.

Putting a photo of Bart Starr in this blog post if a double win!

If the SEC dominates NCAA football  it lifts up the perceived strength of all the teams in th SEC and perceived strength is important in the way the BCS era has been run. It will continue to be important during the new system. SEC fans realize that they gain when their rival beats a team from another conference and thus we cheer for our in conferenc rivals. The incentive produces the conference pride that leads to the chant.

The incentive and perceived strength of schedule is also why teams from other conferences get excited when they beat a team from the SEC. The other conferences may not admit it but their excitement proves it. Getting excited about beating a weak SEC team just points out that they perceive the SEC as strong too. I mean really, people from other conferences get excited about beating Kentucky in football. The only explanation for that is the perceived strength of SEC teams. So when you mock our SEC chant we realize that it just means you wish you were us. That jealousy helps us in the standings, so I am just fine with it.

I’ve heard people compare who don’t understand this compare the situation to the NFL. I am a Packers fan and have been since the 8th grade. I would never root for the Bears to win just because they are in the NFC North. Why? Incentives again are the reason. The things that matters in the NFL is the number of wins you have overall and the number of wins you have as compared to the rest of the teams in your division. The incentive here is actually for the other teams in your division to be weak. You can still make it to the playoffs if you are the best team in a weak division. Therefore, NFL fans want the other teams in their division to lose all the time. For an example of this consider the 2010 Seattle Seahawks who made the playoffs despite having a losing record. Their division-mates losing was almost as valuable as their own wins.

This just doesn’t work in NCAA football. If you are the best team in a weak division it works against you because the perceived strength of the majority of the teams you play is weak and therefore you are perceived as not as strong. In college football you need your conference to be strong. That’s why in college I cheer for my team’s bitterest rival … because we win something if they win.

I’m not sure that fans from other conferences understand this incentive. Otherwise they would pull and chant for their own conference against other conferences. Or maybe it is just that other conferences don’t have as easy of a name to chant.

SIDE NOTE – Well crud. I guess the silver lining is that Auburn lost. I just wish it had been to Bama instead of FSU.