gmail stickers

gmail stickers

i missed this before but apparently you can get free gmail stickers of you send a sase to gmail. stickers are good. here’s the link.

SIDE NOTE – i am constantly amazed that the "pregnant man," thomas beatie, keeps on being on t.v. and other media. i just don’t get it. beatie is pregnant because of a functioning uterus and two X chromosones. no amount of surgery or legal recognition as a man can change that. i don’t have anything against beatie, i just don’t get the fascination with something that i don’t think is in anyway a medical oddity.

SIDE SIDE NOTE – anyone around point have access to hair clippers, a baber’s cape (the thing that covers the front of your body when you are getting your hair cut), and/or a portable barber’s chair? i need them for next sunday’s tapestry worship gathering. if you have any of these items it would be helpful.

asus 901

everyone i have talked to concerning planting a portable church has told me to try and have contingency plans for as much as you can. so of this means have duplicates for everything possible. several of the people i have talked to have described how often they have computer problems (laptops take a decent amount of abuse). therefore several have recommended having a second laptop. that’s why i’m looking at an ultra portable for a back up computer. they are extremely small, solid state (thus no moving parts) and relatively cheap. the asus 901 should be coming out in the u.s. this week. depending upon what the street price for this thing ends up being it will probably be the computer i get for tapestry’s spare. it’s a small little bugger that would do everything we need. in fact, i might use it to send out a live feed of the service via the internet.

10 great bookmarklets

i’m posting this for those of you who love bookmarklets but don’t read lifehacker (which you should). it’s a lifehacker post concerning the top ten bookmarklets that you should have.

my personal favorites are the following (the links are the actual code so you can just drag them to your toolbar):

live writer

Map image

i’m trying windows live writer out for a few weeks. i’m not a big fan of micro$oft products but i’m intrigued by this blog poster so i’m trying it out for a little while to see how i feel about it. i usually use w.bloggar or just post from my wordpress dashboard and i will probably continue doing that. still it’s worth it to try something new every now and then and some of the features in live writer are interesting. one of these is the ability to post maps instantly. i’m not sure i would use that feature very much but it’s nice to try it out just for fun.

wifi hot spots

i was wondering what other wifi hotspots people might know of within the point area. the reason i ask is because with school being out my summer "office" is any place that has an open wifi network. i love my kids, and i love spending time with them, but when i need to concentrate then them being home is no longer a good thing. since laptops and cell phones have made a portable office a realistic thing i can escape the joyous noise of summer vacation when i need to and get a little administrative stuff done. siof course, i’ve already been doing this for awhile since moving up to the point area, but now i have to do it a little more. this means i’m looking for more spots to be able to connect (both with wifi and with new people). as i was driving to emy j’s south today i notice that mcdonald’s had a sign up saying "wifi here." i stopped in to ask them about it. i’m not a big fan of mickey d’s (in fact, i pretty much despise their sandwiches) but i would gladly stop there and buy a diet coke in order to use their wifi. unfortunately they thought it would be a good idea to charge for thei wifi. darn them! being my father
s child i am far too cheap to actually pay for wifi. the sad thing is that i was really excited about mcdonald’s having wifi because this would have meant that i could grab coffee in the morning (at emy j’s) and diet coke in the afternoon (at mickey d’s).

so i’m still on the look out for other free spots. here are the ones i know of at the moment:

  • emy j’s (north & south)
  • arby’s (this is a pepsi company so it’s pretty low on my list)
  • perkins resturant (unlike a coffee shop or fast food place they’re not real keen on you sitting there with a laptop)
  • applebee’s (ditto)
  • centerpoint marketplace (this is the downtown "mall" which i haven’t used for surfing yet so i’m not sure what the experience would be like)

anyone, know of any others?


over the past couple of weeks i’ve been updating the tapestry website. i like it’s present theme but there are still major changes that have to take place. primarily i’m trying to arrange for medium size photos to smoothly rotate on the homepage. i’m trying to use JonDesign’s smooth gallery code to accomplish this but at this point i’m apparently not doing something right. if anyone has any experience with smooth gallery i would be thankful for the help.

anyhow, the reason i’m posting is because i need to have a “faq’s” section on the site (or something else that does the same thing). what things would you want to know about a church? i’m open to anything. the best one i’ve seen those far was “what if GOD was one of us?” (dad, it’s a song from the 90’s).

SIDE NOTE – dan kimball has a real interesting post on his experience at “the holyland experience.” it reminds me of “CHRIST of the ozarks,” which i went to when we lived in carthage, missouri.

my run for the day
distance – 7.0 miles
time – 1:16:45
pace – 10:57/mile
weather – 48/rain

wordpress, mariokart, & desperate housewives


    i’ve upgraded the blog to wordpress 2.5.1 which now allows gravatars in the comments. if you have a gravatar and you place your email in the appropriate part of the comment (which you have to do because i don’t allow comments without emails) then your avatar shows up. it’s much easier than the other solution i had worked on.


    i went and bought it this morning. we are in the midst of grand prixing the day away. mariokart has always been one of the games that the whole family likes. even pam, the non-gaming member of the family, like mariokart.

desperate housewives

very excited & a little nervous

after weeks of praying everyone on the tapestry launch team agreed that we should start the public worship services of tapestry on september 14th. we also agree that we want to do a prayer labyrinth in the uwsp university center in about four weeks. the second we reach that conclusion pam and my stomachs went beserk. i’ve had butterflies all day. yes we moved up to wisconsin for the purpose of planting tapestry but truthfully it didn’t seem as real before the launch date was set and the labyrinth was agreed upon. in my mind it all still seemed theoretical. it’s not anymore. it’s the real deal now and while it’s incredibly exciting it’s also a little nerve racking.

it’s so great.

anyway i’ve been usingg mind mapping to organize projects for a year or two now and i really like it as an organizational tool. it helps me to think through things. i’ve used mindmeister before (because it’s free and online – a combination that i like). i haven’t used the it’s collaborative features before but i decided it would be nice to try it this time. so i’ve set up a collaborative mind map for the labyrinth to see how it works out for us.

this would have been such a great thing to have had for youth ministry retreats. it would have been a great way of organizing several people working on various projects and also communicating what everyone was doing.

anyhow below is a link to the labyrinth mind map.

my run for the day
distance – 7.0 miles
time – 1:21:25
pace – 11:39/mile
weather – 40º/very windy

april fool's day

i have stunk over the past few years in doing april fool’s day pranks. i enjoy them them immensely but i haven’t really done any good ones. here are the ones on the “web that i have enjoyed today.

what about you? anything on the web today that made you laugh?