
pam, my wife, has officially gone crazy. pam now spends ten to fifteen minutes each night trying to get montana to howl. i’ve written about this once before but since then it has become a nightly occurence. pam will throw her head up in the air and shout “arooooo” and montana goes crazy. this only eggs pam on and she slowly gets worse and worse. so just be warned that if you come over to my house at night and here some howling it may or may not be my dog.

i really need to get some prozac for pam.

that’s not polite

i went to foxy’s fitness center this morning to play raquetball versus bill. when i walked into the center there was a sign on the door saying that they would be working on the “large men’s locker room” later today. i asked around and it turns out that foxy’s has two men’s locker rooms (a fact i didn’t know). one is named the “large men’s locker room” and the other is named the “small men’s locker room.”

that’s kind of rude to separate people based on their size. the real disturbing thing was that i wasn’t exactly sure which locker room i was supposed to go to.

the view – march 2, 2005

amos - table 2monday i posted my drawing of what i wanted our “welcome table to look like for the view, our wednesday night youth worship service. here’s the picture of what happened with the actual “welcome table.” you can’t see it on the picture but the plumb line is there.

the thing that amazed me was the “worship stations” that the youth developed. they were incredible. one teen did hosea and had an amazing station on brokenness and forgiveness. the other teen did shadow boxes of joel. they were both incredible. i was deeply moved personally and so were many of the others who participated in the stations. these kids blew me away with the depth that they pulled out of these things. i can’t wait to see what next week’s stations involve.

of course, part of what got me was the fact that i was expecting less from the teens. i really figured it would take a few weeks for them to “get it.” that’s part of why i did the “welcome table” as a station. i wanted to give them an example. boy am i stupid. they understood perfectly what was involved in the worship stations. i should have never doubted them.

here are a few pictures of the kids’ worship stations. if you follow the link to the flickr photos you can actually see where i have tagged the images telling what is in each image.

hosea station #2hosea station #1

joel station #1joel station #2

the view – wednesday, march 2, 2005

joel station #3i have to take a second and brag about what happened tonight at “the view.” over the next several weeks we will be dealing with the minor prophets during the view. we are constantly trying to bring “the arts” and different learning styles into worship. that is why they are several people within our student ministry who are establishing worship “stations” within the student center dealing with eight of the minor prophets. the people doing this are using different methods of expression to convey the meaning of each book. tonight, haley and julie did hosea and joel respectively. what they did was incredible. i thought both were extremely moving and very much in tune with the scripture and what we as GOD’s people needed to hear and experience. it was an awesome night.

wow that tingles

last year i resolved to quit playing racquetball twice a week and though it took me 12 months to reach my goal i was finally able stop playing racquetball twice a week this past january (2005). it took me being sick, and then the boys being sick, and then bill being sick but for awhile i was definitely able to stop playing. unfortunately everyone is well now and thus i had to start playing racquetball again. today was the first day.

having not played racquetball in two months both bill and i were definitely a little “rusty.” this showed in the manner in which we played. we went the wrong way, gave up on balls that we could have actually got, and never really hit the ball where we wanted to hit it. i think that’s why bill pegged me with the ball. he hit it as hard as he could and i was only five feet away from him. it hit me dead on my right elbow. i think it probably hurt but i really don’t know.

have you ever accidentally hit your funny bone? if you have then you know the tingling feeling that you get. now imagine someone hitting you on your funny bone with a racquetball at full force. my arm went completely numb except for the overwhelming tingling feeling that kept on going up and down my arm. i had a huge red mark on my arm that was probably very painful but by the time i could feel again the pain from the racquetball had subsided (i think because of course it may have actually never really hurt).

i think bill did the whole thing on purpose. that’s why i decided two things 1)to beat him and 2)to hit the ball as close as possible to him through out the game just to keep some fear in him. it was fun to watch him jump and fun to actually beat him. of course, i still can’t feel my arm.