oh i'm sore

a while back i was a running machine and in pretty good shape. then i tore my calf muscle and my marathon training stopped for a good long time. after a couple of months rest i started running again but it was very much off and on.

and then we moved to wisconsin.

since moving to plover my excercise has jumped up a notch or two. here was today’s cardio-vascular activity.

  • 1 mile walk with the dogs
  • 5 mile bike ride to pick up some supplies
  • 1 hour of pick up cross court basketball
  • 1 mile run with adam
  • 1 mile walk with the dogs again – this is what you must do when you don’t have a fence

now i haven’t started my long distance runs yet but that is coming up soon.

rethinking worship evangelism

i saw this sally morgenthaler article via jordon cooper’s post. the article is all about how people interpreted her book “worship evangelism” as a way to just “do” quality worship to get the those who were not believers to come to church. of course, what happened was people actually stopped spending time with people who are not in a church. over the past few years she has been rethinking everything.

i think my favorite passage is the second to last paragraph.

jcpenney stores adopted a new motto a few years ago: “it’s all inside.” that may work well for clothes and housewares, but it doesn’t work so well for spreading the gospel. ah, but aren’t buildings important? yes, they are. jesus himself spent crucial time in synagogues and the temple. he affirmed that the worship of GOD is central to what it means to be a disciple. but here’s the catch. he did not make the building—or corporate worship—the destination. HIS destination was the people GOD wanted to touch, and those were, with few exceptions, people who wouldn’t have spent much time in holy places. JESUS’ direction was always outward. centrifugal. even in death, HE was broken and poured out for the sake of a needy world. GOD’s work may not be “all outside,” but if we look at where JESUS spent his time, i think we can safely say that most of it is.

instead of “if we build it they will come” maybe our slogan should be “if we’re faithful, we will go.”

my run for the day

  • distance – 1.0 mile
  • time – 10:35
  • pace – 10:35/mile