rethinking worship evangelism

i saw this sally morgenthaler article via jordon cooper’s post. the article is all about how people interpreted her book “worship evangelism” as a way to just “do” quality worship to get the those who were not believers to come to church. of course, what happened was people actually stopped spending time with people who are not in a church. over the past few years she has been rethinking everything.

i think my favorite passage is the second to last paragraph.

jcpenney stores adopted a new motto a few years ago: “it’s all inside.” that may work well for clothes and housewares, but it doesn’t work so well for spreading the gospel. ah, but aren’t buildings important? yes, they are. jesus himself spent crucial time in synagogues and the temple. he affirmed that the worship of GOD is central to what it means to be a disciple. but here’s the catch. he did not make the building—or corporate worship—the destination. HIS destination was the people GOD wanted to touch, and those were, with few exceptions, people who wouldn’t have spent much time in holy places. JESUS’ direction was always outward. centrifugal. even in death, HE was broken and poured out for the sake of a needy world. GOD’s work may not be “all outside,” but if we look at where JESUS spent his time, i think we can safely say that most of it is.

instead of “if we build it they will come” maybe our slogan should be “if we’re faithful, we will go.”

my run for the day

  • distance – 1.0 mile
  • time – 10:35
  • pace – 10:35/mile
  • neighbor churches

    one of the great opportunities that we have had in wisconsin is to visit lots of other churches. over the past three weeks we’ve been able to attend several different area churches and i’ve had the opportunity to spend some time with several local pastors. it’s been wonderful to hear these pastors’ hearts and to meet the parishioners of the churches they pastor. the churches we have visited thus far are (in alphabetical order):

    all three of them have been wonderful and extremely supportive. it’s been wonderful to be around other communities of faith whose goal is to see the kingdom of heaven lived out.

    my run for the day

  • distance – 1.0 mile
  • time – 10:15
  • pace – 10:15/mile
  • taking notes

    since i know that some of my former adolescent & college kids read this blog i figure i’ll place this helpful article up for everyone who has to take notes every now and then. lifehacker referenced it but the original article on taking notes was posted on lifehack. here’s the article. it’s a great piece on the purpose of notes and what you should actually write down (and thus what you should not write down).

    bible up

    while i am watching “the natural” with my oldest son i thought i would send out a big “thank you” to an anonymous giver. today i received to boxes of niv bibles that someone sent for tapestry. i don’t know who did it but i really appreciate it. there have been several people who have made contributions to tapestry and in addition to them parkview baptist church gave us some older equipment for us to use. i really appreciate these contributions.

    the one today came at a great time because i had a somewhat depressing day. my goal today was to make a lot of contacts that i could move forward on over the next week or so. i’ve been trying to talk to as many of the local pastors as i could to learn from them what has been done before in the area. so i placed as many calls as i could and emailed as many addresses as i could find.


    i wasn’t able to get through to anybody today. it was nobody’s fault. i just wasn’t able to reach people during the times they were reachable. the problem for me was that it was somewhat disheartening. i know i’ve only been doing this a month but there are moments were i think the church is going to blossom in a matter of seconds. then there are other days where i wonder what type of mess i have gotten my family into. after making zero contacts all morning i felt a little bit more of the former. so i decided to jump out of the house for a little while. i ran around town, prayed some, and got a diet coke (a good trio for my soul). when i got back to the house there were the bibles.

    perfect timing. thanks.

    several of you have had perfect timing and i truly appreciate it.