oh my stinking word

the discussion of faith within desperate housewives just got better. of course, we’re flipping channels because there are other parts happening that we don’t really want to watch and definitely don’t want our kids watching. yet the scenes of the two characters discussing faith are so good that i may have to download the episode and use it for discussion sunday night at tapestry’s launch team meeting.

"church isn't a place for questions, it's a place for answers"

i have never seen an episode of desperate housewives before. i know it’s pretty popular bu it just hasn’t been on my list of shows to watch. so i was greatly surprised when pam and i were flipping through the channels and we ran across a television conversation on someone going to church. i didn’t realize until the end of the scene that it was desperate housewives.

apparently one character had gone to another character’s church and accidentally caused a little embarrassment. the character who has visited the church was preparing to go to another church service that evening and was excited about it. she was preparing more questions. that’s when the the hosting character said “church isn’t a place for questions, it’s a place for answers. that’s why we don’t ask the pastor questions during his sermon.” the visitor responded with “but what if i need a place where i can ask questions?” i’m not really sure how the host character responded because pam started shouting “THEN YOU NEED TO COME TO TAPESTRY!”

of course, i would agree with my wife and we are presently watching the end of the episode to see what happens. i would never have thought that i would be excited about watching desperate housewives. i probably should turn in my man card.

the things you don't think about

i’m beginning to learn how thankful i should have been for the infrastructure that was already established within the churches that i have previously worked at. i had just assumed a great number of things. at the established churches that i had worked at making copies was never an issue. i might have to choose between black and white or color copies but i never had to worry about the cost of copies. it was just an assumed thing. or ink. i never had to think about “how much ink will this take and how much will it cost me” every year when i plan the budget for the youth ministry i never had to account for ink. of course, that’s no longer true. the same goes for a great deal of other things such as, staples, envelopes, note cards, pens, etc. it’s amazing all the small thing that you start to miss when you no longer have access to them. last week i would have given up an arm or one of my sons for a paper cutter.

this is one of those things that makes me laugh when some pastors i meet say that while they have never planting a church from scratch they basically know what it’s like because they had to restart a church from having almost died. when i hear that i laugh a little.

anyway, does anyone have a paper cutter that they don’t need anymore? i would gladly pay for shipping. it beats losing an arm or a child (i need the children for raking the yard).