whose not here

i’m usually not the largest fan of b.c. (i just don’t think it’s very funny) BUT i thought this comic was way too true. i mean why talk about the divorce and pornography that are within our churches when we could just talk about homosexuality? it’s so much “safer” to just focus on the homosexuals and you get so many more “amens” during those messages. or why not talk about how america has fallen because there is no prayer in schools rather than preaching about we followers of CHRIST being involved in social injustice and not making any difference in the world around us?

in his book blue like jazz donald miller talks about a time that he and some friends set up a booth on reeds college and asked forgiveness of the students that were there. maybe we should started asking forgiveness of the the world for so easily “preaching” about their “sins” and never mentioning our own.

there’s a hole in my head

montana, my basset hound, hates straws. i learned this the hard way. awhile back i was drinking through a straw and montana saw it. the mere sight threw her into a rampage and she walked over and head butted the bottom of my cup. of course, she made the whole thing look like an accident but i know the real true – montana hates straws and thus she attacked. thankfully the straw made it through the attack. unfortunately, montana’s attack rammed the straw into the the inside of my top lip. thus i now had a cut on the inside of my front lip. if you know anything about cuts in the mouth then you know that a cut in the mouth can turn into one of the worse injuries a human can receive … a canker sore. that’s what happened too. i now have a monstrous canker sore on the inside of my top lip. it’s right on my two front teeth and it’s killing me. i hate canker sores.

when i was in college i once had a canker sore that was really killing me. i complained about it and a friend told me that he had a sure fire way to cure a canker sore. according to my friend all you had to do to get rid of a canker sore was pack the sore with table salt. he said that the salt “burned out” the bacteria that caused the canker sore. so that night i packed the sore with table salt. this was not one of the prouder moments in my life because packing a canker sore with table salt is not a very smart idea. it was the worse pain i have ever experienced and the sore was actually bigger in the morning. i told my friend about it not working and all he did was laugh. he laughed really hard over the whole thing. i don’t think i ever talked to that friend again.

i have email

i feel the need to point out two things:

  • first, i have an email address that people can actually communicate with me through. the reason i feel the need to point this out is because recently some unnamed individuals have decided that the best way to communicate with me is by leaving comments on the blog that have nothing to do with the actual original post. now don’t get me wrong i love people posting comments on the blog entries i place up. while i have moved past the “comment mongering” stage of the blogging experience i still enjoy seeing what other people are thinking concerning the things i post about. i especially like it when an entry turns into a conversation and people comment and then reply to other comments. it’s just that recently i’ve gone to look at the comments on the blog only only to find out that someone (cough *hannah* cough *shelley*) has decided to use the comment section as a way to get in touch with me. this always seems to throw me off. it confuses me and throws off my whole day.
  • secondly, the blog has apparently become the world search haven for pictures of the elephant man. i made a post awhile back that contained a picture of the elephant man. apparently every other person that exists on this planet is looking for pictures of the elephant man. therefore, the blog now receives 10 hits or so a day from people looking for that picture. it would appear that if you want to increase traffic to your blog you really need to write regularly about the elephant man. who knew?

on a side note today i discovered google alerts and the photography of diane arbus. alerts as amazing and i really like them. alerts give you the ability to set up a filter on google to forward news articles and websites on a particular subject as they are created. for example i lovetony campolo so i created an alert to send me any news articles that are posted concerning campolo. it’s a cool thing.

arbus’s photography is like wise amazing though some of it is disturbing (amazing nonetheless). diane arbus took startling pictures of carnival sideshow “freaks,” and people who were at the time consider “odd” or culturally different. that’s why the photos of hers that i’ve seen are sometimes disturbing. the photos i have seen have made me want to see more because they remind me that to some extent we are all pretty much “freaks.”

baptists withdraw invitation

baptists withdraw invitation

i haven’t read everything that mclaren has written so i can’t speak authoritatively on this incident in particular but i do have a good bit of history with southern baptist and therefore can attest that often we have “knee jerk” reactions and respond accordingly. according to the article mclaren was uninvited to the convention because of the statement that “there could be buddhist … (or) jewish or hindu followers of JESUS.” to the kentucky baptists this apparently smacked of “universalism” and therefore mclaren had to be excluded. if i understood mclaren’s point correctly when he made that statement in his book he was saying that it didn’t matter what you called yourself rather it was the belief you had and the practice of that belief that matters. in other words if you come out of a hindu background and still practice much of the culture associated with hinduism but you followed the way of CHRIST (faith in HIM as LORD and walked with HIM) then you were a followers of CHRIST and all good. it personally sounded very much like don richardson’s comments in “eternity in their hearts.”

of course, my kentuckian brethren didn’t take the time to actually discuss the statement with mclaren and find out what was meant. nope they had a “knee jerk” reaction and pulled him from the program. i love “true” baptist belief (meaning not automatically conservative evangelical right wing belief) but i hate the way we often practice it.

passionate people

i love people who are passionate about something. truthfully it doesn’t really matter to me if what they are passionate about is just plain stupid. i would rather be around someone who is passionate about believing something that is complete idiotic and wrong than i would be around someone who is right but has no passion for what they believe.

pam, my wife, found such a passionate person in one of her classes last friday. pam is presently taking courses at l.s.u. towards getting her doctorate in speech language pathology (a very noble profession). last week her professor announced that one of the students would be leaving the class here soon. she didn’t explain why so pam didn’t really know what was going on. this week pam got to class early and saw the student who would be leaving and therefore she decided to ask the young lady why she would be leaving. well it turns out that the young co-ed isn’t really a student at all yet. she’s from germany and has her bachelor’s degree in special education with an emphasis on speech pathology and she has her masters in speech pathology. awhile back she was trying to figure out if she wanted to go after a ph.d. or not. so she did what anyone would do when they were trying to determine if they would go after another degree or not … she started translating english speech pathology papers into german. in particular she started translating the work of pam’s professor at l.s.u.

while doing this the young german lady decided she had to get to know this professor. she was so enthralled by the writing of the speech pathology prof that she knew she would never be satisfied until she had the chance to go “soak up” the presence of the professor. the young co-ed told her parents she was going to move to america for 6 months just so she could hang out with the professors – a woman that neither the co-ed nor the co-ed’s family knew anything about. you can probably guess how that went over. even without here parents’ blessing she was still convinced that she needed to come spend time with this professor so at her own expense she moved over to america this past september. since september she has been hanging around the professor as much as she could just to learn from her. she leaves to go back to germany here soon.

that’s passion. i love that.

just for the fun of it i’ll send you to another passionate person. miss msdonald is an unknown person who has made her own mcdonald’s costume and goes around to various mcdonald’s restaurants. she does this just because she loves mcdonald’s. i don’t really understand how anyone can like mcdonald’s but i do respect the fact that she is so passionate about her poor choice in fast food restaurant loyalty.

march madness #2

what in the world is going on with march madness? my bracket has gone bezzerk. thanks allot l.s.u., connecticut, boston college, wake forest, kansas, syracuse, gonzaga, and oklahoma. basketball is a nice round ball and therefore should be easier to predict but NO! i’m presently at the bottom side of our little bracket competition and that’s not the way that it’s supposed to be.


i have a strong belief in the sanctity and dignity of human life – all human life. for me this dignity comes for humanity being made in the “image of GOD.” that image is too sacred to be treated with disregard. my opposition to abortion comes out of this belief. yet, i belief that a focus on the dignity of human life requires more than just trying to keep people from aborting fetuses. it means protecting all human life. thus we have to take care of those who are in need and protect the “image” by meeting those needs. it also means standing up against those who end human life just become it means there needs or desires. that why i have two areas that i want bring to your attention.

  • at 1 p.m. today the state of florida will allow the removal of terry schiavo’s feeding tube. once the feeding tube is removed schiavo, who is physically healthy though mentally in either a semi-comatose or fully comatose state, will slowly starve to death. all she presently needs to continue living, and thus have the possibility of some recovery, is to be fed. congress is trying to pass legislation to prevent this. you can help my emailing and you senator and representatives asking them to pass the legislation. you can contact the louisiana senator here and the representatives here.
  • the state of texas plans on executing stephen staley march 23rd. staley is by no means innocent. he killed another human being. yet even as a murder the “image of GOD” still resides in him and his life must be treated with dignity and protected just because of that image. i am opposed to capital punishment because of my belief in the sanctity of human life. sometimes that means protecting thus who aren’t innocent. you can write the governor of texas and urge for a stay of execution (and life without parole) by going here.

SIDE NOTE – 12:22 p.m. a state judge in florida has temporarily blocked the removal of terry schiavo’s feeding tube. it’s still up to the federal government to do something decisive.